Payment of fees:

Fees are payable monthly in advance by standing order or by Cash. Invoices are issued mid-month for the following month’s fees. Any extra hours your child attends the nursery will be charged at a rate of £4 per hour unless it is an extra full session where the session rate will be charged.

Sunshine Nursery reserves the right to review fees regularly. This is normally done annually in September and one months notice will always be given of any increases at any time. In the case of adverse weather conditions and nursery has to close or can not open fees must still be paid in full.



Sunshine Nursery is closed during the Christmas and New Year period and all bank holidays. No charge is made when we are closed on these days. All other days are to be paid in full, i.e. when your child is absent due to family holidays or sickness. (Long term illness will be considered individually).


Notification of changes:

We request one month’s written notice if you wish to change, reduce or no longer require a place at Sunshine Nursery (this includes children leaving for school). Arrangements can be made if you wish to increase your child’s sessions, this can be done as soon as a vacancy becomes available.

Insufficient notice will result in a full charge being made for a decrease in sessions or place.



It is Sunshine Nursery’s policy to inform parents if your child becomes unwell during the day, and discuss the best course of action to take. Sunshine Nursery cannot cater for a child who is running a temperature or suffering from sickness or diarrhea. This is for the protection of the staff and other children who attend the setting.

Parents are asked not to send their child to nursery if they are suffering from any infectious diseases. A booklet produced by the DHSS can be found in the entrance hall giving advice on exclusion periods and possible treatments for infectious illnesses. Staff will be happy to give advice on this. Sunshine Nursery will advise all parents of any outbreaks’ of illness in Nursery. Although we do follow the guidelines in this document it is at the discretion of Sunshine nursery’s staff exclude a child with an infectious illness. This decision will be final.


Accident Procedure:

In case of a serious accident occurring, a senior staff member will take charge of the situation and act in accordance with their Emergency First Aid training. Parents will be informed of the situation as quickly as possible after emergency steps have been taken.

The child’s personal and health details are kept on file and can be used for reference in an emergency situation e.g. any allergies or medical conditions a child may have. You must inform us if any of these details change so we can keep our records up to date.



Medications prescribed by your G.P can be administered by the nursery staff following your written notification on a medicine consent form. Please note we cannot be held responsible for any allergic reaction to medication, the first dose must be administered by parents.



Sunshine Nursery’s extensive Insurance Cover can be found on display in the entrance hall.


Weather permitting:

Sunshine Nursery are very fortunate to have access to a large secure out door play area, there are so many good reasons why young children should spend time outdoors – and as much as possible! This is why we aim to use the outdoors as a valuable learning tool, in all weathers. We would ask parents to provide your child with wellies, sun hat, and high factor sun cream.


Collection of Children:

If any other person other than the parent or authorized adult is to collect your child, the manager must be informed beforehand and a personal description and proof of identity on arrival will be asked for.

Under no circumstances will a child be allowed to leave nursery with anyone unknown to the nursery staff. If staff is at all unsure, we reserve the right to satisfy ourselves of the authenticity of the person collecting your child, before allowing your child to be taken from nursery.


Meals and Snacks:

A packed lunch and snack must be provided for children attending a full day or morning session and a snack for those attending an afternoon session. We do not have access to a fridge so ask bags are sealed and contain an ice pack. We would ask that packed lunches do not contain sweets, chocolate or fizzy drinks. We can not store any perishable items of food.

You must make the nursery aware of any special dietary requirements, food allergies and intolerance. Sunshine nursery will not provided any food except on special occasions which will be made aware of in advance.Please provide your child with a spill proof water/juice bottle which will be fill by parents in the morning your child attends nursery. We will top up water bottles as and when required through out the day.


Complaints procedure:

If you are uneasy about any aspect of the childcare facility or care provided for your child, we ask that you follow our Complaints Procedure which can be found on display on the notice board. We endeavor to build a relationship with parents/carers whereby any problems can be discussed openly.


Open Door Policy:

Sunshine Nursery operates an open door policy, parents are welcome at anytime.


Policies & Procedures:

A copy of all policies and procedures are available for all parents to read. We recommend that you read these so you are aware of the way the nursery operates.


Belongings Policy:

We ask that children do not bring toys from home. Sunshine Nursery or its staff will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to possessions.